Friday, March 29, 2019

Missing images/icons after PeopleTools or PUM upgrade

After we did an upgrade, some of the buttons in the Peoplesoft page aren't showing. For example, the collapse/expand button for grid isn't showing but we are able to click it and still does collapse or expand the grid (hide/unhide the fields inside the group box).

From the page (PIA), using a chrome browser, what we did was to view source (right-click and select View Source). We identified that the image for that collapse/expand button is missing.

Open the application designer and ensure that the image is there. If you can't find the image, you need to copy it from another environment where it is working (PUM image will be the best option). If you confirmed that image is there, then it is just a web caching issue.

When you do view source from PIA or browser, you can see which stylesheet the page used. If you are using PS 9.2, the default stylesheet will be PSSTYLEDEF_TANGERINE, if you are working on PS 9.1, the default will be PSSTYLEDEF_SWAN and if you are working on PS 9.0 or lower or PTools 8.53 and lower, the default is PSSTYLEDEF.

So in this case, we only need to re-build the cache of this stylesheet in the system. One thing you can do to rebuild it is if you modify and save the stylesheet. Open the stylesheet in the Application Designer, click property and just add blank space in the description. We only want to re-saved this stylesheet so that it will re-build the cache.

Once you already saved it, you may now test if buttons are now showing.

If this didn't work, and if you still see that image is still missing when you do View Source even if exists in the app designer, then you need to do the following:

1.      Stop the web server, delete all cache files, and restart the web server.
2.      Stop the application server, delete all cache files, and restart the application server.

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